f050df92 :Old Timer i1b5ibip3kS
2023-01-09 16:12
(原典版) Credit in particular is due to:
Anaxagoras Thomas Paine
Aristotle Thomas Jefferson
Socrates Rene Descartes
Plato James Clerk Maxwell
Euclid Charcot
Lucretius Herbert Spencer
Roger Bacon William James
Francis Bacon Sigmund Freud
Isaac Newton Cmdr Thompson (MC) USN
van Leeuwenhoek William A. White
Will Durant
Count Alfred Korzybski → (2007年版) (削除)
(原典) (なし) → (2007年版) With 19 million insane in the United States alone, with nations in the grip of madmen planning conquest, the too-complicated school rushes about getting a good press on how well they are doing, while all the evidence says entirely otherwise.
(原典) MEST crushed too hard into theta becomes enMEST. → (2007年版) MEST impinged upon by entheta becomes enMEST.
これは重大な改竄だ。原典は "MEST" と "theta" の衝突が "enMEST" を生じさせるとしているのに、2007年では "MEST" が "entheta" が衝突して "enMEST" が生じるとしている。
(原典) Theta and MEST are attached to each other but when they become painfully mixed up, they become entheta and enMEST. → (2007年版) heta and MEST are attracted to each other, but when they become painfully mixed up, they become entheta and enMEST.
"attached" が "attracted" に改竄されている。
(原典) (なし) → (2007年版) And if laws exist against making people happy, somebody had better overthrow that government quick. For it is a death government, so entheta that it will bring about the death of the state and those within it.
(原典) Handle the psychotic gently. Respect his rights to a whole brain and a future. Do not consider that he is your toy or your experimental animal. → (2007年) Handle the psychotic gently. Respect his rights to a whole brain and a future. Do not consider that he is your toy or your experimental animal for vivisection or strange sadistic “treatment.”
(原典) (なし) → (2007年版) EIGHT: the urge toward survival through the Supreme Being. The number eight, laid on its side, gives us the symbol for infinity.
(原典) (なし) → (2007年版) The Eighth Dynamic would be the dynamic of the Supreme Being, or the Creator. That would be God. One could consider that God created the physical universe and the theta universe.
(原典) If one could run off a case all painful emotion—all unexpressed resentment, anger, fear, grief, and apathy— one would have a dianetic release whether he touched physical pain engrams or not. → (2007年版) If one could run off from a case all painful emotion— all expressed resentment, anger, fear, grief and apathy— one would have a Dianetic Release whether he touched physical pain engrams or not
"unexpressed" が "expressed" に改竄されている。 これは大姉実践に大きな影響をもたらすだろう。
(原典) Another difficulty on the track is the bouncer. The preclear may be in an engram and yet be bounced into present time. → (2007年版) Another difficulty on the time track is the bouncer. The bouncer always bounces the preclear up. The preclear may be in an engram and yet be bounced into present time.
(原典) The sex act cannot truly be enjoyed whether performed regularly or irregularly. Here is Free Love, easy marriage and quick divorce, and general sexual disaster. → (2007年) The sex act cannot truly be enjoyed whether performed regularly or irregularly. Here is the harlot, the pervert, the unfaithful wife, Free Love, easy marriage and quick divorce and general sexual disaster.
(原典) In today’s world, the next stop down the tone scale politically is the subversive, who belongs in the 1.1 to 1.3 bracket. Most theoretical subversion pretends to be very high on the tone scale, and so has had its appeal to the liberally inclined individual; but there is a wide gap between theory and practice, and the unthinking person confuses the theory with the practice. He finds himself keeping company with 1.1’s. Communication lines are cut; affinities are flagrantly used and perverted; reality is twisted; the level of truth as seen in subversive propaganda, compares with lowest gossip; and the treatment of human beings is without any regard to the respect an individual human being should have. → (2007年版) In today's world, the next stop down the Tone Scale, politically, is the subversive, who belongs in the 1.1 to 1.3 bracket. Most theoretical subversion pretends to be very high on the Tone Scale and so has had its appeal to the liberally inclined individual. But there is a wide gap between theoretical and destructive liberalism, and the unthinking liberal confuses the theory with the practice. He finds himself keeping company with 1.1s, since an inspection of any brand of politics which oversweeps the world because of the general apathy of societies shows that it falls exactly into this position on the scale: communication lines are cut; affinities are flagrantly used and perverted; reality is twisted; the level of cabal, as seen in hate propaganda, compares with lowest gossip; and the treatment of human beings is without any regard to the respect an individual human being should have. Psychometry on subversives places them uniformly in this 1.1 bracket. They have no respect for the wit and sanity of anyone. They hold promiscuity as a high virtue. They have no belief in family. They are about as safe to have for friends as an adder—but probably this is unfair to the honest adder.
(原典) We in Dianetics are only interested in raising people on the tone scale. → (2007年) We in Dianetics are only interested in raising people on the Tone Scale and are not at all concerned with psychosis, neurosis or psychosomatic illnesses.
(原典) The male wide-open case is no less difficult and trying. → (2007年) The male wide-open case is no less difficult and trying, but (strangely enough) seems by observation to be far more persistent, either toward destruction or in efforts toward survival, than the female case.
(原典) In some cases, the pre-clear’s entire educational background may have to be lock scanned before the pre-clear can feel any genuine desire for improvement. Entheta ideas picked up in high school, college, the army or a political movement may sit squarely in the way of any rise on the tone scale. → (2007年) However, the auditor by using light, routine methods can produce the necessary rise on the Tone Scale to get the case to resolve itself.
(原典) (なし) → (2007年版) Possibly the mistaken emphasis of outmoded therapies upon the Second Dynamic occurs because the basic engrams of the case are sexual.
(原典) *Some further comment should be made on the case who begins to audit himself. Evidently a few isolated cases have been able to do self-auditing, without any damage and, indeed, in one case with considerable benefit. → (2007年版) *Self-auditing does not obtain good results for m any reasons. A preclear auditing him self through entheta will inevitably run into trouble.
(原典) However, the 3.0 has nearly all of his engrams ready to be run as individual incidents. → (2007年版) However, the 3.0 has nearly all of his engrams ready to be run by Standard Procedure.
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