
ea7631d7 :ansu 2011-07-11 20:04
Unwanted Conditions Rundown

Part I. Unwanted Conditions Handling

[Familiarize yourself thoroughly with Clearing Procedure #2?Empowering Conversation, Chapter 13, page 116.]

1. Have the client describe the disability. Have him or her restate it if necessary, so that it is expressed as succinctly (in as few words) as possible.

2. Use Clearing Procedure #2 to address the condition or disability described above, beginning on Step 2 of the procedure (as the client has already stated the unwanted condition).

Part II.
Unwanted Conditions List

In Clearing, we understand that every peculiar behavior or unwanted condition started as an attempted solution to some problem. Thus, each question in the following list is a prompt, intended to give the client a momentary opportunity to plumb the biomonitor, read each question directly to the client, and note the read (if any). Of particular interest are instant reads.

If there is no meter response, and no comment from the client, go on to the next question.

If a question reads, have the client explain what he or she thinks the charge is. If the client's explanation is accurate and thorough, and the practitioner correctly acknowledges it, the meter will blow down, and possibly the needle will float. If this does not happen, you will need to ask:

Is there more to that?

If there is no more to that answer, ask:

On the question ------------, is there something else that could be reading?

Handle the question thus until it no longer reads when asked, or until there is a floating needle.

As the client talks about a reading item on the list, it will become evident that connected with that item is a quandary, trauma or upset?sometimes of great magnitude and/or of long duration. The Clearing practitioner must know how to smoothly apply the appropriate Routine A, B, C or D from Chapter 20 to that issue.

Furthermore, mental images or"stuck pictures"will occasionally surface, and may be addressed with the techniques in Chapter 24 on Emblems (Behavior-Enforcing Images).

End the session if a person has a new awareness in the session, and continue from that place in the next session. If the client has a big win in a session, or reports a really big win between sessions, you should end the rundown, rather than risk overrunning. (You can always take up where you left off if the client has a"relapse.")

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