
b679bc9e :Anonymous 2011-07-11 19:45



Sexual Relationship Rundown

Step 1
Ask the client to indicate the area of dissatisfaction, as briefly and concisely as possible. Reduce it down to a single phrase, e.g. 'getting into a meaningful relationship  "'getting along with my wife' etc.

Step 2
On the item (or phrase) found in the previous step, run Clearing Procedure #2
Empowering Conversation in Chapter 13 to a point of increased awareness.

Step 3
On the item found in the Step 1 above, using the meter, find and handle all of the NME thoughts connected with it.

Ask the following questions:

a On -----------(item), is there an upset?

[Find and handle all upsets, using Routine A for Upsets and Disagreements in Chapter 20.]

b On -----------(item), is there a quandary?

[Find and handle all quandaries, using routine B for Quandaries.]

c. On -----------(item), is there something you feel guilty about?

[Find and handle all withholds and missed withholds, usingRpnfine C
for gilt

d On -----------(item), is there something you're afraid of?

[Find and handle all physical and emotional traumas, using Routine D for
Fear/Repressed Traumatic Memories.]

Run a. through d. above. However, if the client has a major realization or new awareness, end the session and continue in the next session.

Step 4
Ask the client the following:

a. Describe your parent's relationship with each other.

b. What assumptions did you make about their relationship?

c. How did their relationship affect you?

d How did you handle it?

e. What resulting decisions did you make about sexual relationships?

f. Do you ever take one of your parent's viewpoints when thinking about or considering your own sexual relationships?

1.) Which parent?
2.) What is the consideration you borrow?
3.) How does that affect your own relationships?
4.) When was the last time you did that?

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